Hooded Crow

Hooded Crow bird painting by Artmagenta
Hooded Crow

Theresa May

Theresa May caricature by Artmagenta
Theresa May


Killdeer bird painting by Artmagenta

Tyra the dog

Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey caricature by Artmagenta
Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey (born July 26, 1959) is an American actor, film director, producer, screenwriter, and singer 

Black Swan

Black Swan sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Black Swan

Fox sketch

Fox sketch by Artmagenta


Dolly Parton caricature by Artmagenta
Dolly Parton

Giant ibis

Giant ibis bird painting by Artmagenta
Giant ibis

Gesture drawings

Gesture drawings by Artmagenta

Judi Dench

Judi Dench caricature by Artmagenta
Judi Dench

Wompoo fruit dove

Wompoo fruit dove bird painting by Artmagenta
Wompoo fruit dove

Glyptoteket Copenhagen

Glyptoteket Copenhagen Sketch by Artmagenta

Elon Musk

Elon Musk caricature by Artmagenta
Elon Musk


Bullfinch bird painting by Artmagenta

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock caricature by Artmagenta
Alfred Hitchcock

Gesture drawing

Gesture drawing by Artmagenta

Reed warbler

Reed Warbler Bird painting by Artmagenta
Reed warbler


Portrait sketch by Artmagenta

Roger Federer

Roger Federer caricature cartoon. Portrait drawing by caricaturist Artmagenta