Some people are busy feeding others

The cafe is a caricature by Artmagenta
Amanda thinking of feeding herself
Street Survey
What is the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up?

AMANDA: The very first thing I do when I wake up is to feed my aquarium fish, then I give the cat some food, go out and feed the chickens, give Fido, the dog, some food, then I wake my husband and give him breakfast, then the customers care coming to my cafe and I give them food.

So this is the first thing I do every morning and then every hour the rest of the day: I feed people (and animals)

Ringo Starr

Ringo Starr is a caricature by caricaturist Artmagenta

Honey Buzzard

Honey Buzzard is a bird drawing by artist and illustrator Artmagenta

Eames Rocking Chair

Eames rocking chair is a lifedrawing by artist and illustrator Artmagenta